Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Fast food comparison

On one end of the spectrum we have Chick-Fil-A, a shining beacon of light in the fast food world that just about does everything right. On the other end of the spectrum we have Hardees, the toilet of the fast food world where everything looks like, smells like and runs like crap. Let’s compare, shall we?

Chick-Fil-A service: Excellent

Chick-Fil-A’s hiring policy is to immediately employ anyone with psychic abilities – this is how they get your food ready so quickly. Their drive-thru is the only one with a posted speed limit…it moves that fast.

Hardees’ service: Abysmal

For a fast-food joint, the employees at Hardees sure don’t seem to be in too much of a hurry to do anything. They talk slow, they punch the keys on the register slow, they move slow…with the result being that even if you are the only person in line you’ll usually wait 3-5 minutes for your grub. Then you’ll spend another 4 minutes sponging off the copious amounts of Mayonnaise they heaped on your burger even though you asked for them not to. It’s like Hardees gets all the people that weren’t competent or motivated enough to work at any other fast food places.

Chick-Fil-A cleanliness: Excellent

For a fast-food place, it’s almost too clean. You can actually sit at a table and not worry about leftover debris getting mixed in with your nuggets.

Hardees’ cleanliness: Biohazard area

Seriously, has anyone EVER cleaned a Hardees restaurant? I’d rather roll around naked on the floor of any randomly selected truck stop restroom than to eat inside Hardees. The floors in there are covered in grease to the point that you can glide from the counter to your table. It always smells like old sausage in there too.

Chick-Fil-A kid’s toys: Awful

Here is a case where taking the “high road” failed. They give out BOOKS. Do you know how much it crushes a small child to look excitedly inside their food bag expecting a toy and to only come away with a book? Plus, a lot of them are books about learning foreign languages – like RUSSIAN. No kidding…they give kids a book on how to speak Russian. That’ll come in handy! What 4 year old doesn’t find themselves wishing they knew Cyrillic every now and then?

Hardees’ kid’s toys: Unknown

I won’t let my kid eat Hardees food for fear of it wreaking havoc on her delicate digestive system. The last thing I want is a kid getting sick and spewing all over the back seat of my car. But think about this…when was the last time you remember a major kid’s movie doing a promotional partnership with Hardees?

"Welcome to Hardees may I take your order would you like to try a number 5 combo today sir?" "Um, no...I'd just like a #2 combo with no mayo and a sprite to drink." "So that's a #1 combo with cheese sir what to drink with that?" "Um, no...that's a #2 combo with no mayo on the burger and a sprite for the drink." "Sir you want that #1 with cheese?" "What? No! I want a #2, no mayo on the burger with a sprite to drink!" (long confused pause) "Please drive around."

Feel free to add your own ratings in my comments section!


Anonymous said...

Dude, I took the Youth bowling last night and then we went to McDonalds. It was like what you were describing. I won't mention which kid, but one of my kids burger was dirty, the top bun had something on it, it was almost as if they dropped it on the floor and then put it on the burger. My burger set on my tray for almost 10 minutes before they decided to put fries on it and then I had to ask for my drink cup. It was awful. I don't like hardee's either.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... Chick-fil-a's kids toys are a little over the heads of little ones. But did you know you can trade them in on a free ice cream cone instead. It's not even a discussion at our table.

- Nathan