Friday, February 03, 2006

How can it only be 3:00?

Alien overlords please take notice – I have uncovered your nefarious plot to “do more with less” with the human race. I am fully aware of the time manipulation experiments you are performing on us in order to make us work more. I know that you are causing the 8 hour workday to actually last 14 hours. I also know that you are making up for this time differentiation by causing Saturdays and Sundays only last 2.5 hours each.

If you don’t stop I’ll rock my jar back and forth till it falls over and breaks, killing the brain contained within and depriving you of my portion of the brainwave energy you are stealing to power your ships.

Only an alien could do something so heartless…NOW LET ME OUT OF THIS FREAKING PLACE!


1 comment:

Casey said...

This isn't fare. I need an equally adiquet distraction where I work.