For a variety of reasons, I'm really ticked off today. I've decided to just rant about stuff in this blog and label it "raw" because that's what musicians and producers do when they want to sell you something that's had zero preparation put into it. So after reading this, when you say to yourself "That blog sucked" just remember that it's "raw" and maybe you'll look at it differently and appreciate the behind-the-scenes look into the mind of the artist...or some crap like that.
I am going to mount a 50 caliber machine gun to the rear of my car and blast the ever-loving daylights out of the next jackhole that tailgates me. I've never understood the logic of want the person in front of you to go faster, so you threaten to wreck their car to make a point? Do you freaking realize that if you rear-end someone that it's YOU who's at fault in that wreck and YOU who will have to pony up to fix the car and pay the medical bills and probably get your stupid self sued? I wonder how people like this are able to dress themselves in the morning without a detailed instruction manual containing pictures. I figure eliminating you from the gene pool will be doing everyone a favor and that you probably won't be missed.
While I'm at it, I'm going to shoot everyone who has one of the following on their car:
- A sticker on their back window with their last name on it in that stupid looking edgy font. What is the point of this anyway? Are you under the delusion that people will recognize you and be like, "Ohh, there goes a member of the Estevez family - those guys are important!" If you're driving a jacked-up 88 Nissan Sentra with tinted windows and a spoiler you've pretty much relegated yourself to the bottom of the societal bin would think you'd want to conceal your identity rather than announce it.
- A sticker that says "Come to the dark side...we have cookies" You're not going to want to eat those cookies after you see where I'm going to jam them you little goth wanna-be. Don't you have a Widespread Panic concert to be attending? somewhere? If you're late they might not save you any smoke...
- Gold chains around your license plate, simply because this indicates how out of touch you are with the times and because I hate it enough to want to punish the behavior
Recently my company gave the employees an 11% bonus, which is awesome. When the check came, 40% of that money was taken by the government via taxes. That is not a was 40%, almost half of the money.
What the #$%^!@?
You greedy, unethical, power-hungry, ignorant, tyrannical windbag losers! Our government provides worse service than Hardees, but is so inefficient that it requires heaps of our money to do it. So we give tons and get jack squat in return...I won't even get anything out of social security once I retire because it'll be bankrupt! I promise you this, if I had it within my power to do so I would fire every single politician in this country right now and condemn them to live under the system they've burdened us with (you realize they have their own retirement plan right?). They should all receive the scorn of this entire nation for being such losers, but we're too busy worrying about ATM fees to realize the raping we get each time our checks come out. They tax my company when it makes the dollar, tax me when that dollar is paid to me, tax it again when it's spent and tax the company that makes it...and this goes on and on. Somewhere George Washington is rolling over in his freaking grave...
I still don't feel any better after ranting...I'll have to go kick a puppy or something I guess.
Please don't leave me comments like "Cheer up!" or "Smile!" - I hate feel good crap like that and it does not affect me one bit. If you really want to cheer me up, send me some cash.
love rants... check's in the mail. Or maybe just a big wad of cash.
i agee. i hate being told to cheer up...makes me want to strangle the person and worsens my mood even more. lol
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