We all know that kids love candy. We also all know that one of the dangers you have to be aware of as a parent is that your kid might mistake actual medicine for candy and consume it. So will someone please explain to me why we are now going out of our way to make medicines more like candy? Listen, I have a precocious 4 year-old…I understand the difficulty in making kids take medicine that tastes like boiled sweat and formaldehyde. But come on…chewable vitamins that taste like sweet tarts? “Slammin’ Cherry Bubble Yum” cough syrup? Aren’t we sending mixed messages here? We don’t want them to mistake the medicine for candy, but we make the medicine taste like the candy…shouldn’t we make it taste terrible so they never want to come near the stuff? Why encourage them to partake by making it all taste like cotton candy?
I can just see my kid, sitting in the corner, slamming down handfuls of chewable vitamins and chasing them with shots of cherry-flavored cold medicine…then passing out for like 6 weeks…
Umm…wait a minute…
Ok, do they have this stuff at the grocery store or do I have to go to the pharmacy to get it?
Anyone know where I can score some "Gushing Grape" Nyquil? I need a fix man...
But real medicine tastes pretty ick...I really don't think kids would be drawn to anything that doesn't taste fruity. "Oh yeah! I totally snuck this bottle of bland tasteless calcium pills past mom and dad!!!" Um, probably not.
The highlight of my sick days as a child was the grape flavored Tylenol syrup... long may it live in pharmacies.
Oh wait - I see your point. You were saying kids could O.D. on the medicine that tastes good. *shakes head* I think I should stop writing now. O_o
Charity, that was totally worth the price of admission! I'm not supposed to be laughing this hard at work...
Whoever posted this CRAP advertisement in here better hope I never run into them on the street...WITH MY FREAKING CAR.
Stupid spammers...
Wow, I get to laugh at the blog and at Charity, all in one setting..That is great...I hear what you are saying Jeremy, we for not keep our medicine up way high, except for the few bottles we let Grace and Andrew play with around the house :)
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